lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

The Hurt locker …Best Picture of the year???

I think this picture is just crapp, this film presents the war on Iraq (or any war) as the best alternative for a living for young Americans, even if they have a Wife and sons waiting for them, for me this film is just another political propaganda to recruit more and more young men in America who find their lives disappointing .

I prefer a movie that makes me think, who makes me dream with another worlds, the ones that makes me feel through different emotions are the best! And Jim Cameron has this unique ability as a Director, like in Terminator, Avatar, and even Titanic their characters infiltrate in different worlds with different customs and learn their ways, and in the end this characters this “infiltrados” realizes the importance of keeping the humanity or the love alive. Jim is not about war or violence that is just part of the story and part of the reality but his films he always try to send messages of peace and preservation that is why for me The best picture of the year is Avatar,…. Don't you think?…..